Articles Tagged 'custom reports'

How to get the list of test cases that need to be re-run

You may need to create a list of test cases associated with a particular incident status to know that those incidents have been fixed and can now be verified by rerunning the tests.

This article explains how to generate a list of the test cases associated with incidents containing this status.

How to customize custom report title and column headers

All the column headers used in standard reports are in English by default.
While localization used, application language is being changed but that not applies to report column names (headers) since reports being shared for all available localizations.
This article explains how to achieve report customization for specific language.

How to group data in a custom report using XSLT

You may need to get the report that groups and aggregates the output results. This article explains how to achieve this using XSLT.

Pulling tags using custom reports

Built-in reports in Spira may not have included Tags column in the grid by default.
This can be easily fixed by cloning standard report and slightly editing it.

Create a Program user membership custom report

For audit or any other purposes, you may need to extract a list of program and project membership report.
This is possible with a custom report (must be using Spira 8.3+).

Please note that this report is to be used in addition to reviewing the list of users who currently are system admins.
Also consider that if there is no active project under the program user is member of - it will not be listed in this report

Creating a custom report of all pending test runs in a product

If you would like to create a custom report that shows list of Pending Test Runs and step counts, follow the steps below (note that you must be on at least Spira v8.3). 

This report will provide very similar information to the Pending Test Run widget on the Product Home Page.

Create a custom report for Tasks with their folders

You may need to create a report of Tasks with their folders. From Spira v8.3 it is now possible to display the name of the folder, just like it can be done for Test Cases and Test Sets 

Modifying standard Test Run Detailed report to display each step's start and end datetime

In case you need to get an execution date and time of the test step but keep the standard Test Run detailed report format, the fastest way is to modify the existing one. This article explains how to achieve that.

How to create a historical report of users getting or losing system admin permissions

For audit or any other purposes, you may need to extract a list of changes to system admin permissions for users. This is possible with a custom report (must be using Spira 8.2+).

Please note that this report is to be used in addition to reviewing the list of users who currently are system admins.

Extracting the list of all Products using custom reports

In case you need to create a report that displays the list of projects in the system in Excel, HTML format this article explains how to achieve that.

How to get the list of users that have a specific permission in a product

You may need answer questions like: who today is able to see the source code in product X, or who can bulk edit requirements. You can do so using custom reports. The example below answers the first of the above questions.

How to generate test set report with builds and execution statuses

If you need show the list of test sets with their test cases, execution statuses and related builds, follow this article to produce a custom report to do so.

Creating a custom report to display test step execution counts

The build in reports in SpiraTest / SpiraTeam are primarily geared to display the # passes, # fails, etc. from the perspective of test cases. It assumes that even a single fail / block / caution of any of the steps constitutes a failure of the entire test case. However some of our customers were looking for ways to display the execution information at the test step level. This articles describes how to create a simple custom report to display this.

Creating a Custom Report to display a list of Incidents with their linked Test Cases

Some customers have asked how to create a custom report that lets them trace back from Incidents to Test cases (information about each incident with all the IDs of the test cases associated to that Incident). This is the opposite to Test Case Traceability report.

This article explains the process.

Creating a Custom Report of Electronic Signature Approval on Test Cases

A customer once asked how to create a list of all test cases that have electronic signature approval recorded.  For example, let us say that you have electronic signature turned on for a specific transition operation in the Test Case. Then, how do we create a list of all the test cases that have electronic signature recorded? 

How to find product membership for a product but in the past

You may want to see what product membership for a product was like historically - what users in what role were able to access the product at a specific point in time.

Starting from Spira 7.13 it is possible to track product membership changes and use custom reporting to review this historical data.

Report of Requirements that Contain Suspect Test Cases

A customer wanted to get a report of the number of requirements that have changed with mapped test cases that are yet to be updated (with capability to view specific requirements). When a requirement is changed and a test case is not yet changed, the test case has a suspect flag set automatically to True. So, the best way to get this data is to get a report of the number of requirements that are linked to at least one suspect test case.

How to add most recent comment to the Task summary report

This article explains how to get the most recent comment and add it as a column for an artifact summary report (if it is not already displayed).

How to retrieve incidents associated with a requirement using Custom Reports

Sometimes you may need to get the list of incidents associated with a requirement but that can be challenging in case an implicit association exist.
This article can help you to get these associations.

Requirement - Test Step Traceability Report

Of the unique needs of a requirements and test management system when working in the Defense industry, specifically when designing, building, and testing mission systems, is the ability to link individual test steps to the requirements.  This article provides you with a custom report to use to display such a traceability matrix.

Creating a SpiraTest custom report with date values (no time component)

Sometimes you want to create a new custom report with a list of fields from SpiraTest that includes the date that a test cases was executed or the date that a defect was logged, but you don't want to clutter the report with the time part. Alternatively you want to join two tables on a date-time field where only a date comparison is needed.

Creating a report to display test cases with execution counts in Spira v4.2

This articles describes the steps to create a custom report that displays a table of test cases with the following fields:

  • Test Case ID
  • Test Case Name
  • Last Execution Date
  • Last Execution Status
  • Number of Test Runs
How to show the Jira ID on the artifact list pages and in reports

This article describes the steps to do so you can display the Jira ID field in certain reports and on list pages.

Сreate a report to filter Parent Requirements only based on a Custom Field

From the UI the Parent requirement won't be retrieved if none of its children match the filter criteria.
This article shows you how to create a custom report that retrieves parent requirements that meet the filter criteria, even if none of their children meet it.
For example, if you need to create a custom report for requirements filtered by a custom property - here are the detailed instructions how to achieve that.

How to get a list of all Requirements associated to a Release or all Risks associated to Requirement

This article shows examples of how to find all artifacts of one type associated to another artifact. For example, getting the list of Requirements associated to a Release, or showing all Risks associated to a Requirement. This mimics what a user may see in the corresponding Associations tab but in a report.

How to make custom reports for program level artifact associations

This article explains how to create several different example custom reports for program level artifacts and their associations.

How to add and an image (logo) to the header or footer of a custom report

While custom images in custom report headers and footers are not directly supported this article explains a workaround so that you can embed an image or a  logo inside the custom report.

Summary report of all products with information about their programs

Sometimes you need to get a report of all the Programs and Products available in your Spira instance.
This article explains how to do that.

How to get the names of Custom List values instead of their IDs

In this article we will show how to get an artifact's and product's multi-select custom property values. Report views for artifacts and products contain all custom fields, but for those custom fields that use custom lists, only the ID of the custom list value(s) are shown. Here is what to do if you want to find the text that matches those IDs.

Using SubQuery (nested SELECT) in ESQL

You’ve probably encountered cases where it looks like you need another SELECT statement inside your main statement.
Is it possible to use nested SELECTs in ESQL? 
Yes, it’s possible!
In this article, we’ll explain the nested query (SELECT) and how to use it efficiently.

Writing a Custom Report to Display the Count of Incidents By Project and Priority

A customer of ours asked for a custom report / graph for displaying the count of incidents by project and by priority.

Creating a Risk Exposure History Report

 In this article we will show you how to create a risk exposure report to help product managers evaluate changes to risk exposures over time.

Creating a Bar Chart to visualize historical delivery of requirements and incidents

Custom graphs let you see powerful and meaningful summaries of your data. One example of this is seeing how many requirements or incidents were delivered historically, broken down by the year of their release. In this article we will show you how to create such a graph to help Product Managers see delivery over time, to help them assess and manage their current and future work program.

Creating a report for failed Test Cases with no linked Incidents

A customer of ours asked for a custom report for displaying the list of  failed Test Cases that do not have any incidents attached or created during testing.

Create a report of the number of Incidents and Requirements in past releases

Some customers may want to see the summary delivered outputs of their past releases. To do so, in this example, we create a custom report that shows a table of the total number of Incidents and requirements assigned to each past releases (releases with an end date in the past).

Create a report to display all artifacts across the system owned by a specific person

You may want to extract all the artifacts that have a specific person is assigned across all products, to see their current work. 
This article provides an example of such a report.

Specifying Heading Styles in Spira Custom Reports

A customer wanted to know the way to correctly format their reports so that they would look correctly in HTML and MS-Word in terms of the headings.

Creating a Program Requirements Traceability Report in Spira

Some customers have asked us how they can create a program-level requirements traceability report (RTM) in Spira using the custom reporting functionality. This article explains the process.

Querying Child Requirements in a Custom Report

In our standard requirements traceability report, we display a list of test cases associated with the current requirement. However for parent requirements (Epics) that have child requirements that map to test cases, they are don't display the child requirements' test cases. This article explains how you can modify the report to include them.

Increasing the Size of Rapise Images in Spira Reports

When you run Rapise automated tests using RapiseLauncher the system will automatically embed the images from Rapise into the various test cases and test run reports. By default the report format has relatively small images so that they can fit easily into the tables of expected result and actual results. However some users have asked for ways to make the images bigger.

How to Specify the Width of Columns in Acrobat PDF Format Reports

The standard PDF reports in Spira and KronoDesk uses a dynamic table layout, so all of the cells take a general width that is based on the number of columns and the width of the page. A customer wanted to be able to modify the widths to make certain columns larger or smaller (e.g. make the ID field smaller than the name). This article explains the process to do this.

Creating a Summary Report of Test Cases and Defects

Sometimes you want a simple test execution report that includes the list of test cases, execution dates and raised defects, without all the ancillary information in the standard Spira reports. This article provides an example of such a report.

Simple Requirements Document Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a way to generate a report that would be a human readable requirements document. The built-in requirements detailed report often has more information that is needed in such a report.  This article describes how to create such a report.

Creating a Report of Documents in SpiraTeam

A customer asked us this question:

My team is using SpiraTeam 5.4 as a storage vault for all software documents. The documents are placed in a specific project "System" that has been created for this specific purpose.

The documents are placed into several subdirectories: Requirements, Risks, Design., General, etc

Can we generate a report that lists the name of the document, folder, author, and current version.

Displaying the Value of a List Custom Property in Spira Custom Reports

In the standard reports that come with SpiraTeam, we have the 'Detailed' reports that are designed to include a primary artifact (e.g. requirements) and then include tables that display lists of related items (e.g. Tasks, Incidents, etc.). By default, we only show some of the fields in these tables. This article explains how to display the value of specific custom fields in the tables when you customize the standard reports.